#1 2014-05-17 17:28:27


Circle (inverted or not) prefabs

These two prefabs are useful for creating high-detail circles, standard or inverted variants.

License: CC0 1.0

These brushes can be used at any gridpower that is not 0. If you use it while in gridpower 0, some cubes will not be able to spawn properly.

Using: extract the .zip file then put the .obr files in media/prefab. To load them, use the /pasteprefab circle or /pasteprefab circle_inverted commands.

In multiplayer: type /nompedit 0 if you want to be able to use it in multiplayer. Using it in multiplayer will make the change purely local and will require the usage of /sendmap then asking other players to /getmap in order to make your changes visible to everyone. This also allows using undo/redo, heightmap and vcommands in multiplayer.

Last edited by Calinou (2015-01-04 17:56:36)


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