#1 2017-05-06 02:14:39


The Tesseract Temple: The map that got a college student to graduate

An urgent project made to be a part of a college portfolio, created by LR7 & EN1GMAT1C within 4 weeks.

Requested by Enigmatic that was in need of a lending hand to create a virtual place for a college final she had in order to graduate.

She needed a quick solution that looks good and on a budget. then I remembered about the game that made it possible to build anything easily.

Tesseract became our choice for this project for the good old cube style editing.


Finished September 6, 2016

Downloads are seen here: www.landriders7th.com/temple/

Work released under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0):




-Modeler of Temple (interior & exterior)
-Importing plant models
-Importing Sauerbraten textures
-Application of other models to map
-Exterior landscape/terrain

EN1GMAT1C - http://enigmatic-art.com/, https://thegeekygalleon.com/

-Art direction & Temple design
-Importing plant models
-Importing Sauerbraten textures
-Importing & modification of skyboxes (day/evening/night)
-Placement of map model & texture decor
-Lighting & effects (fire/plasma/water steam)

Post: http://www.thegeekygalleon.com/temple/
College Portfolio (2016): https://vimeo.com/181151521


-Plant models from Skyrim HD Flora Mapmodels by Khorne

-Center fountain piece, fountains on sides of door entrances, interior & exterior torches/corner lanterns,
4 small interior pillars w/torches & extra interior/exterior detailing (sun symbol, edge decor) - these models were
taken from "cm|valley" map made by Cooper and Wrack

-Textures & skyboxes imported from Cube 2: Sauerbraten

Last edited by LandRiders7th (2017-05-07 21:26:12)


#2 2017-05-06 05:33:56


Re: The Tesseract Temple: The map that got a college student to graduate

very nice, I saw a video of you guys working on it a while back, I was wondering when It was gonna be finished.


#3 2017-05-07 21:25:38


Re: The Tesseract Temple: The map that got a college student to graduate

we had several things going on our end that left the release of the maps on hold. keep in mind that we were rushing through during that time. After that due date, we took the time to polish the original map as well as making a playable stock version so you can have the map using textures from any normal version of Tesseract.

hopefully, this map would make it in the next update of this game.


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