#1 2016-08-19 11:57:12


Color Grading and Color Correction

How can one implement such shader effects ? It is described here : https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/ColorGrading.html


#2 2016-08-19 21:40:45


Re: Color Grading and Color Correction

in cube they are called post effects. after the vertex and pixel shaders run. this takes the final image (for that frame) and runs it pixel by pixel through a "filter" in this case they are doing some color correction tricks.

So you can simply make a post effect then apply the posteffect at run time. This will allow you to apply a filter (or in cube more than one filter). A good basic example of this is the invert effect. To apply this just simply call /addpostfx invert; then just open any map. This will do a basic inversion over the renderspace.  This doesnt effect ui elements because those are drawn after the effect takes place.

These obviously work the same as all shaders working pixel by pixel across the screen, But this only applies after every thing is drawn. So you are given rgb input and you return an rgb output. Pretty straight forward. Unreals is probably just more user friendly, and more visual, but it does the same thing. You could probably transition in and out of these by using varying time variables but that probably would require source modification. Not 100% on exactly how to do this. But it is possible.


Last edited by chasester (2016-08-19 21:42:45)


#3 2016-08-20 07:46:48


Re: Color Grading and Color Correction

Thanks :)


#4 2016-08-20 19:49:29


Re: Color Grading and Color Correction

if you have any other questions about shaders ask, Lord kv does some very good work on his various posts here and on quadropolis. Plus his map mod awesomeness anti cube 2 does a lot of shader tricks that may help a lot :)

Last edited by chasester (2016-08-20 20:30:03)


#5 2016-08-20 20:24:27

Lord Kv

Re: Color Grading and Color Correction

You might want to check out this. But I think that instead of using color correction you should try to use lighting and fog color to get the right color tones. It should produce the same or better results than color grading.


#6 2016-08-20 20:29:48


Re: Color Grading and Color Correction

theres the lurker ;p


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